sábado, 24 de abril de 2010

Triatlo Quing and Queen of the Sea

O triatlo King & Queen of the Sea, realizou-se hoje em Lisboa, eu vi os treinos no dia de ontem perto do oceanário, e deve ter sido brutal!!
Teve uma coisa muito fixe que foi, poder-se concorrer como amador! :D

Quanto a preços...

  • Open event 1500 metres - 25€
  • Elite event 5000 metres – 35€

    * 1500 meters event, groups of 10 or more people pay only 20€ p/person
    * 5000 meters event, groups of 10 or more people pay only 30€ p/person

O que se ganha com a inscrição?

  • Swimming cap
  • finisher T-shirt
  • Drinks at start and finish (pepsi, Gatorade, water)
  • Bars and gel ZIPVIT
  • Fruit and dry cakes at the finish and recovery zone
  • Massages at the recovery zone
  • Top free of each age group will get commemorative medals from their results.
  • Open Event – A chance to win the raffle ticket to participate in the open event in Rei do Mar Brazil. Winning ticket includes: flight, hotel stay and participation in Rio’s event.
  • 5000 Meter winner man and women will win the title of King and Queen of the Sea Europe and will represent Europe in the Elite King of the Beach in Brazil. Prize includes: trip, hotel stay and participation has Europe’s representative men and women.

Participação e Seguro

Participation is open to sportspeople of any nationality. Participants are required to have a valid license for the day of the event issued by their Triathlon Federation. One day licenses are ok as long as it covers the event date. All athletes should have insurance coverage by their local triathlon federation. In addition to your triathlon federation insurance coverage the race organization will provide all athletes with a free extra insurance.

Participants take part individually in the race segments under their own responsibility, and have a suitable physical condition level and enough technical control to be able to face them and finish each segment within the cut-off times set by the organization.


Thursday, 22 April, 2010
• 15.00 – 20.00 Kits pick-up (at EXPO)

Friday, 23 April, 2010
• 10.00 – 20.00 Kits pick-up (at EXPO)
• 16.30 - 17.00 Briefing (location to be announced )

Saturday, 24 April, 2010 – RACE DAY TRIATHLON
Water practice is not allowed

Sunday, 25 April, 2010 – King & Queen of the Sea
Open 1500 meters event - 10h00
Elite 11h30

Para mais informações: http://www.lisboatriathlon.com/pages/main_2010_pt.htm

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